Countdown to Thanksgiving...Plan Ahead!
For most folks, Thanksgiving requires hours of cooking, PLUS you have to clean the house for
guests too! Plan ahead and tackle big projects first, then focus on cleaning the rooms that your
guests are going to see and spend time in. Here is our NMSI Thanksgiving holiday cleaning checklist:
Two Weeks Ahead: Prepare and clean areas that will stay relatively clean for two weeks
Clean the refrigerator to make room for Thanksgiving food.
Clean out a coat closet for guests outerwear.
Do any outdoor chores: raking leaves, etc.
Wash any special serving dishes or utensils.
If you are using special china or glassware, wash and polish.
If you have any cluttered areas you don’t want guests to see, organize them now
One-Week Ahead: This is the time to plan on having NMSI come in and do a really deep cleaning
so that the house will just need a quick touchup the day before. Schedule your one-time appointments
quickly, our availability is filling up quickly!
Remember to clean the oven, stovetop, exhaust fan…
The Day Before Thanksgiving: Touchup Time!
Touch up the bathrooms- wipe mirrors, the top of the toilet, an the faucet
Touch up dusting, vacuuming and sweeping- it shouldn’t be too bad since you did it a week ago
Run and empty the dishwasher
Set the table- if you don’t need to use the dinner table for cooking preparation, set it the day before
so it will look nice for arriving guests and you’ll have one less thing to do
Put out any candles or decorations…and check that the wine is chilling!